Educational Support

Learning support is available for learners in the Foundation Phase and the Intermediate Phase. This is specialised support in specific learning areas, to strengthen individual skills, encouraging learners to become the best that they can possibly be. Specific areas of learning being phonics and spelling, reading and comprehension, language development, Mathematics.

If learning support is required to remediate specific academic issues, there is a cost small termly cost involved. Parents may apply to have these costs waived by writing a letter to the principal.

The Learning Support team also includes Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy which are provided by private service providers on the school premises during the school day.

The school counselor is available daily for crisis counselling, short term counselling and general learner support.

Regular School Based Support Team (SBST) meetings take place, where strategies and the necessary interventions for specific learners are considered. These recommendations then get discussed with the learners parents.

