Kirstenhof Primary has a complete range of school uniform. The school believes very strongly that children should wear the correct uniform and wear it with pride. The uniform has recently been updated reflecting a more modern look which emphasises comfort and instils the values of the school.

The uniform is detailed below and all non-generic items may be bought at the school Clothing Shop.
Girls Summer
- Blue KPS dress
- White socks
Girls Winter
- White KPS blouse
- Navy KPS skirt
- Blue stockings or blue KPS socks
Boys Summer
- Grey shorts
- White, open neck, short sleeved shirt with the KPS badge
- Blue school socks
Boys Winter
- Grey shorts or long pants
- Gr 1 – 3 Short sleeved, open neck shirt
- Gr 4 – 7 Long sleeved shirt with a KPS tie
- Black shoes are worn year round.
- The school jersey can be worn year round.
- The KPS tracksuit is a required uniform item for Gr 1 – 3 children, as it is regularly worn during the school day.
- The school golf shirt and shorts/skort is required for Physical education or Ball Skills.
- Various items are required for specific sports. Please note the detailed communication in the school diary